Confidential Addiction Treatment – McLean VA Psychiatrist
Addiction and Substance Abuse is not commonly associated with white collar workers and executives. Addiction affects people at all socioeconomic levels, including white-collar workers and executives. These people may use to improve performance or manage stress. People with drug and alcohol problems may continue to function at work and some have gotten quit good at hiding their problem from others. However, drug abuse and alcoholism are serious problems that can ruin careers.
Addiction is a chronic brain disease that causes compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences. Health, finances, relationships, and careers can be ruined. The abuse of drugs and alcohol is by far the leading cause of preventable illnesses and premature death in our society. Drug and alcohol use is associated with high-risk sexual behaviors and injection drug use, two major modes of HIV transmission. The importance of substance abuse treatment cannot be overstated, and fortunately many effective treatments are available. The road to recovery, however, begins with recognition.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment at our McLean VA Psychiatrist office, we treat addictions and abuse to Alcohol, Drugs and other substances. Physiological and physical addiction is a battle you should not face alone. We have outpatient treatment methods and health and wellness programs that will put you or your loved one on a path to recovery.
Contact our office and setup an appointment to see Dr. Rehman. Don’t wait another day. Call our office at (571) 236-8516.
Dr. Amir Rehman is a Psychiatrist located in McLean serving patients in the greater Washington, DC metro area. He is a board certified medical doctor of Psychiatry with over 25 years in his field. He has a fellowship in Addiction Medicine treating Opiate and Alcohol addictions and received his postgraduate training from Howard University Hospital and University of South Florida. He has extensive experience treating children and adults, supervision of medical students and residents from Georgetown University, George Washington University and Howard University.
For a more detailed look into what addiction is, its causes and an overview of treatment options – see our Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment page.